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What's So Happy About Mother's Day?

Today, I woke up, and it was quiet in the house for once. I have no responsibilities for the next several hours while my children are away. Does that mean that there is nothing for me to do, not at all? There is always something that has to be done, something that needs tending to. And right now, I AM asking myself what do I need? What do I want? Where do I need tending to? And what is so HAPPY about Mother’s Day?!

Currently, I feel that I can sleep more and the question is - is it sleep for rest or sleep because I don’t want to deal? And honestly, I can say it’s a little bit of both. The thing with parenthood is that there is this weight. This unspoken weight. I don’t think as parents we talk about it much. Society tells us how or what we should be doing, how things should be, and what is acceptable or normal - granted it is different depending on the culture and demographics of each individual. However, according to the culture that I am in, I’m at that point of just challenging what society says. I am asking myself what do I SAY!! I am going INWARD, INSIDE ME to find the true, best, and honest ANSWERS for me. And at this point, I need support.

I need my village. And in this “busy” life, how do I slow down to get my brain together, who can I ask for support, and what does support actually look like for me? So many parents are getting burnt out and overwhelmed. The money coming in never seems to be enough with the rising prices of food. Gas prices starting to prevent us from even making the commute to and from work. So what changes need to be made? What support has to be implemented? What do we need? We need sleep. REST = RESET. You see how the added E is in rest to create the word reset. That E stands for EVOLVE. We need rest in order to evolve. And rest in order to deal.

For me support is more than family it is also being able to turn to your neighbors and trust them with your children or to lend a helping hand. Our neighbors should be a part of our village. We are in the same vicinity. We SHOULD all be looking after one another in case we need to ask: “I need help” or “How can I help you”. How did I get here when I was talking about - Happy Mother’s DAY? Because this is my life as a mother. A single mother. My question is: what is so happy about Mother’s Day? Especially, when as a mother you feel as if you’re alone and don’t have any or much support. Many single mothers (parents) are out there, doing their best AND DON’T have any support. And to feel that you have to carry this weight all by yourself? How can we all individually show up to help one another, and in turn help ourselves? Where do we each need to look within ourselves and say I need THIS so that I can feel more whole and feel LOVE and even more so - feel SAFE and SECURE? Not just for ourselves but our family. We need to show ourselves, GRACE, and ask for help. There is no shame. And somewhere I heard along this life of mine the following: when we don’t ask for help we are keeping that person from their blessings not just ourselves.

So ask for what you want. You don’t have to do it all alone. You don’t have to be strong. It is okay to say you’re not okay. Truth be told it’s not always. So why hold it in? Why not open your heart and allow yourself to receive?

With Love,


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