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New Beginnings Can Start Anywhere

It starts with you!

It starts with me!

The feeling of new beginnings and transformation is in the air for me. This is my time for my new start, my new mindset, my new beliefs, and my new way of bringing in beauty and abundance in every aspect of my life. Yes, it takes work. Yes it's uncomfortable. Yes, it takes letting go. And yes, it takes change. However, I can take all the time I need to transition, transform and undo all those things that no longer serves me in order to become more of who I am meant to be with each given moment.

This whole transition of welcoming the new is uncomfortable, foreign, and requires a lot of releasing of old mental belief and rewiring of the brain. And it's a journey that seems to never end. For me it starts off with an awareness of my thoughts, ideas and beliefs. So here are a few of my steps of what I do to get out of it:

  1. Silence.

  2. Awareness.

  3. Release.

  4. Realization.

It is the false thoughts, ideas and beliefs that runs so deep to the very core of me that blinded me from seeing the truth that was currently before. I didn't even know that they were still deep within me creeping up to the surface to feed my mind lies that I lived my life by for all these. The lies that kept me feeling stuck, ashamed, insignificant, and not enough. For so long, I’ve been working on letting go of these negative core beliefs that whispered lies and was ingrained into the subconscious part of my mind. Lies from when I was a child hearing and/or misinterpreting circumstances from my past experiences. As a child I assumed that these were all truths; and through child eyes of innocence and a heart that desired to be accepted and loved there was no knowing any other way. As a child I accepted what was there, and at some point in life I woke up, matured and questioned those things that no longer resonated. It took unraveling parts of the past, facing them, and going deep with love and grace to forgive and honor the feelings that were present then. Also, it took asking myself, does this make me more of who I want to be or keep me from the person who I want to be.

The true work, also known as the narrow path requires digging into the hidden shadowy part of ourselves that was hidden and suppressed to be brought to surface so that we can fully and wholly heal that part of ourselves with self love and self acceptance. We can say to our old selves, it's okay. We have this moment, we made it this far. It was challenging. However, it is NOW that we have. And so it is.

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