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Words Are Spells

Writer's picture: Jennifer NatasiaJennifer Natasia

What is the story that you've been telling yourself? Are you your own best cheerleader or your own worst critic? Do you speak to yourself with love? Do you give yourself grace? What have you been telling yourself? How have you been treating yourself?

Our words are spells.

What we say out loud may manifest before our very eyes. As that saying goes, “be careful what you ask for, it just might come true”. Some of you may be thinking well, why haven’t I won the lotto or why haven’t I found love? Question, do you believe that you are deserving of all that money from winning the lotto? Or are you worried about how you’re going to make money? How is your relationship with money? I can honestly say, my relationship with money was quite negative. I didn’t feel that I was deserving of money, and that I had to work hard to get it. There was this saying that I was told when I was a child, “because you’re a Black woman you have to work twice as hard.” That one sentence affected my life significantly when it came to money. I struggled with money. I felt undeserving of money. Those words that were told to me as a child, carried through to my adulthood. Something that was meant to prepare me, was a spell that affected how I saw myself, my feelings towards money and how I had to earn money which was by working hard. So I had to rewrite that spell, by telling myself that money comes easily and that I love money. It sounds silly, right? However, think about it. Some of you may have heard money is the root of all evil. But is that true? No. There are just some shady people out there in the world and when they have money they do more shady things with it. So we have to challenge the truth of the statement. Is it true? And if not, change the story so that it is true.

And when it comes to finding love. Ask yourself what kind of relationship do you have with yourself? How do you treat yourself? Are you the kind of person that you would want to be in a relationship with? If not, then there is some work that needs to be done. Oftentimes, the love we are seeking is the love that we need to find within us first. Also, do you even know what kind of lover that you want? And then we wonder why we don’t have what it is that we think we want and yet we don’t even question what we are telling ourselves. And keep in mind that a spell is not something that we have to verbally speak out loud, it can also be a mere thought. As you may be aware, what goes on within will be projected outward via our non verbal communication: the body language. It may also be that snide remark that you said about someone. And yes that simple, can be a spell. Even how we look at a person can be the spell, think about it - the evil eye.

The thing with spells, aka our words, is that it’s all about the focus of our intentions. The words we use are so important and pertinent in how we see our world around us and within us. Just saying the word can’t, can put a limitation on us. Rather than saying can’t, how about I will put my best efforts and actually put that into action by putting in your best efforts. I’m not saying that I got this down, I don’t. However, I have been bringing awareness to what I have been telling myself, and changing the lies that have been embedded in my brain to phrases that resonate better so that I can change those limiting beliefs (aka lies) that were not getting me anywhere.

We are powerful beings, and we do not even realize how magical we are. So, let your magical self shine, and give yourself some grace. And keep in mind you are always casting spells.

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